theres hope, theres a way


Grudges are for those who insist that they are owed something; forgiveness, however, is for those who are substantial enough to move on.

"Every time I write about men behaving inappropriately with women, there’s a contingent that reminds me that women sometimes behave badly in relationships, too. Of course there are women who aren’t particularly interested in being the best relationship partners possible, but that’s a flimsy excuse for men who insist their dysfunctional behavior is a quid pro quo. It’s a circular argument with no winner.

Taking the high road is most effective. Men who treat women with respect and dignity will find few who will mistreat them in return. Men need to stop excusing their behavior and cynicism about women because a woman once mistreated them. If men behave in a manner that will inspire women to appreciate them and treat them with the respect they deserve, they will be rewarded most of the time.

If you’re in a relationship with a woman who treats you badly, walk away. If a woman unfairly dumped you, let the pain in, allow yourself to feel the sting, and then move on. Men suffer greatly after failed relationships when they refuse to feel their pain and work it. There’s nothing new about men sucking it up instead of putting their painful experience to rest."

Why can't people just let things go? All they have to do is the right thing. Thats where the problem is, right? We have too many people, old and young, feeling entitled. The only real reason I can come to is that everyone else just lets them. We need to take a stand and hold these individuals accountable for their bullshit. Not everything in life is easy, or even immediate. I believe that we all 'know' what the right thing is... instead of just making other's lives harder (they're hard enough as it is, right?) We should all do our part in being mature and being able to rise above ourselves. Then, just maybe, the world wouldn't be so damn bad.
And you guys wonder why I am so cynical and jaded?

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