
😐 I just wanted to apologize... 

I'm sure some of u know already... well i did a very poor attempt at a relationship & i let my judge of character.. my common-sense.. whatever it is, i let that slip and i tried. i truly tried with this guy & i got burned 🔥 
i take full responsibility for anything/whatever happened!!

🠞 moving forward... 

I am no longer with him. we do not contact each other. so that inconvenience is gone. i offer bbbj again. i am back to my old self, so if we had a bad experience...i hope u let me make it up to u and show u what Lindsey is really like!!

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  1. Most know there's no need to apologize for one who takes on endeavors in life and pursue a relationship or whatever that seems appropriate at the time. I hope all is well and when the next endeavor is upon you I say go for it and be optimistic. Of course we all try and be smart about things but no one is perfect and most people deserves to be forgiven. Hope to meet you soon. Stay vibrant and upbeat and don't beat yourself up about trying something that your heart desired. I give you credit for just saying Fuck It and just trying a new endeavor that you deemed exciting and worth it at the time. Is it ok to text or call? I did both lol.

  2. She is worth it...11/03/2019 10:35 AM

    I saw her a couple of times. She definetly rid herself of that POS. I agree Lindsey is awesome and if you had a bad experience give her a chance to make it right. I guarantee you, you will not regret it. She is amazing in every way!!!


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