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  Let me just begin by saying that I'm not just blindly against the idea. I've had all kinds of relationships (mostly serious ones...) and they always backfire.Not to say that, even now, I won't act on the opportunity if the right guy comes along. But yeah, im gonna wanna take it slow. and i just wish for an open-minded guy!! Why is it so hard to find? Yeah, my job is unconventional but hell, shouldn't u have an open mind with that too? and maybe, just maybe not judge me? Plus i was open about it to start with!! I feel like that should count for something, and hell, if u cant stand it...then we can part ways and i wont be mad. I'm not asking anyone to do anything they arent okay with. Yeah, it's gonna be hard being with me. I get that, too but i am willing to work through it.

   However, romantic relationships arent the only kind (THANKFULLY!!) There are also those guy friend types, and those rare female friends. I have come to find out that females have to be very sure of themselves, without a sliver of jealousy/envy to be friends with me. and yeah that syucks for me sometimes...but it's life i guess. I do tend to intimidate others...

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  1. I’m sure you’ll find someone special soon enough. Maybe you’ve met the person and don’t know it yet!

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